
This is Louis Vuitton's precious love

She went to sleep, to see My Fair Princess, cry splinters. 
She did not see him. Louis Vuitton insisted. 
The next day at noon, when a girl knocked on the door. This question is not if but unfortunately in the dormitory, if unfortunately looked up and saw the girl looked at her with anger, said, "your boyfriend waiting for you below so so long so long, you go to see him" incomparable tone tough, if unfortunately the anger suddenly come up. "Thank you, walking." "Bang", closed the door.pmg300re blogspot blog
Heart, but you can not calm down. Could not resist the impulse to want to see him, stop watching the girl's eyes, she picked up the phone. "Phone does not play, you play in the past, he would feel that there is hope." "He is a quasi-you eat this, they are so." Pity if this sentence has been heard countless times, her heart can not suppress tragedy. This is Louis Vuitton's precious love, she did not want that awkward ending. Can deceive her? 
Wandering in the dormitory for a while, do not know what to do. 
Go to bed, sleeping. 
Could not help but come up with mobile phones. 
"Hey, still it?" 
"Louis Vuitton had left, how?" 
"Oh, no, you do so, go back." 
"I know, I will go back."skyllyzlq exblog blog 

Very easy to listen to the voice side, if unfortunately some Lengzheng, heart distressed by a burst of inexplicable sense of loss instead. 

